Monday, August 20, 2007

The first week of school came and went in a flash. The kids are all adjusting very well. I still worry that Jake has no friends in his class that are boys. He doesn't seem to be worried about it so I guess I shouldn't worry either. Easier said than done when your name is Laura Krummenacher.

Rebecca seems to like Junior high although this week she is very worried that she will get PAR. PAR is the school's after school detention. If they are late for a class or forget anything they were supposed to bring or do for class, they have to go to PAR after school for an hour. They do give them what they call wedge cards which are basicaly free passes but they don't have very many of those. This is the first week that they are enforcing PAR and I noticed on Rebecca's folder that last week she would have gotten it in two of her classes. I have told her many times that all she needs to do is listen to what the teacher wants her to do and write it down so she won't forget. She told me today that she really does try to listen. She has always had a hard time focusing in school so Junior high is going to be a real struggle for her I think. I told her today when she was worrying about it a lot that she needs to just remember in her prayers every morning to ask Heavenly Father to help her focus better. She thought that was a good idea but still seemed worried. She did good today though and didn't get PAR...yeah Rebecca!

Sarah went to her second stake dance on Saturday night. She said that she danced once and was really mad at the boys in her group of friends for not dancing with the girls in their group. She told me her group is lame. Ahh the days of stake dances.

Nate has decided that he wants to run for his class president. He said that his friend Mason has already said he would be his campaign manager but he needs to find more people to be his campaign managers because a boy in another class has 7-8 campaign managers. He is the biggest crack up.

Speaking of crack ups, I spoke to Rebecca's Beehive advisor yesterday. She told me that she loves Rebecca because she is so dang funny. I'm glad other people see how great she is and not just us. Her leader said that they were discussing what they should and shouldn't wear to the lake when they go with the whole mutual. Everyone was asking things like, "Do we need to wear shirts over our swimming suits?", "Can we cut the shirt into a V-neck if we have to wear shirts?" Apparently Rebecca thought the line of questioning was dumb so she asked with a very straight face, "So, I guess we shouldn't wear our bikinis?" Her teacher couldn't stop laughing about it when she told me. She said that a lot of the girls just don't get her and that she is way beyond her years with her sense of humor. I think she can owe that to her dad.

After school on the first day, the kids put on the Hairspray sound track and danced. Brent got home from work and got in on the fun too. I love my family, they are so much fun! Nate also did his midget impersonation for us. I know, it's not very politically correct but it was funny.

I got to go on our Relief Society retreat over the weekend. We went to Pinedale and stayed in a beautiful brand new three story cabin (really it's a house). Only 16 showed up this time but we had a great time and I think I got to know the sisters better with the smaller group. We played a game like the newlywed game and I was picked to be one of the players and my partner was Eldeane Heugly, the lady I clean with in the mornings. When she was asked what my favorite book was she answered: Cinderella. I'm not sure I'm gonna live that down for a while....CINDERELLA??!! If anyone is interested, my favorite book is The Hiding Place....not Cinderella. I don't even think I've read that one to my kids. Other than that we made a pretty good team and came in second place. After the game we had a little spa party. A lady that is inactive came and shared her spa products with us. We tried to relax but we laughed more than we relaxed. The next morning Mary McGrath and Holly Winters led us on a photo hike and showed us how to use our cameras. I learned how to take a close up of something and have the background fuzzy. They were great teachers and we learned a lot. Hopefully now I'll remember what I learned because Brent always teases me that I am a horrible picture taker.



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