Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Melissa tagged me with this questionnaire. I wouldn't do it if anyone else tagged me but since I owe her for the whole blog thing I will go ahead and answer these questions. I really don't like these things! I did have fun getting to know more about Melissa in hers though!

Four Jobs I've Had: Sizzler as a hostess(my very first job besides babysitting), telephone sales at a pest control company (lasted a week: HATED IT!), Front desk/biller/etc. at a Chiropractor's office (I think all chiropractors are quacks now), and a claims adjuster at Blue Cross/Blue Shield Az (was paying claims without training on the first day they put me in that position ....think about that one for a while. I now fight any claim that is denied because most likely the person had no clue what they were doing when the paid the claim.

Places I've lived:-AZ. That's it! Is that boring or what?!!

Movies I could watch again and again: Any old musical and any silly funny (not gross) movies like The Three Amigos or Tommy Boy. When seeing movies new I love suspenseful movies that you try to figure out the ending but are usually wrong. Oh, and I loved Hairspray. I could definitely watch that one again and again.

Favorite Foods:- I like most things and it really depends on my mood. I think I could have Mexican food everyday though but not the Rosa's kind. I like the kind you can get at Macayo's or Someburros.

A couple weird things about me:- I still do cartwheels (ripped my pants at my in-laws when we had a cartwheel contest so I have backed down on the whole cartwheel thing in public. And: I've been in more car accidents than I can count. Horrible, I know.

Favorite (most recently read) books (besides scripture):-I loved the Work and the Glory series and The Kingdom and the Crown series. For non-religious; my friend introduced me to the author Harlan Coben and I really like his books when I'm in the mood for suspense. My all time favorite book is The Hiding Place. It always makes me want to be a better person and more thankful for what I have.

Fav Tv Shows:- Grey's Anatomy, So you think you can dance, Biggest Loser, Office, Heros, and I know it's horrible but I love reality shows. Brent makes fun of the things I tape so I will not put them on the blog so that more people can make fun of me.

Websites that I enjoy I'm on all the different primary websites a lot these days. Other than that, my e-mail, and all my family's blogs, there's nothing else I visit on a regular basis.

Places I'd rather be:- Hard one, hmmm.... I've always wanted to visit Europe, I have only been to Hawaii for 10 hours so I'd like to go back and actually spend time there and I'd love to be shopping at Target right now. My favorite thing to do when I have extra time is to go row by row to all the things on clearance. Rebecca says Target is my Disneyland. Pathetic huh?

I now tag: Joni (only if you haven't done this one already), Kelly (because you haven't blogged for awhile), Heidi (because I don't know that much about you!)


Melissa said...

You're a good sport Laura!!! I promise to never tag you again. :-)

Jenn Fort Haderlie said...


Jeff said...

Hey Brent and Laura -family is looking great! I notice there is a picture of Brent drinking a soda - at least it's not a 64oz mega thirst buster!

Heidi said...

Hi Laura! I responded to your tag. Tait and I had fun thinking about some of the questions. Hope to see you soon.

Rob and Mary...Our Life said...

Okay, so you're going to have to tell me why you were in Hawaii for only 10 hours. Talk about short vacations!!! Mary (the aunt)

laurakrummenacher said...

We were in Hawaii 10 hours because it was when Brent worked for America West. We only had to pay $10.00 for tickets but because we were poor and had to get back for our jobs we only had a day to do it in. We did Washington D.C.,and Seattle that way too. Ah, the life of newlyweds!


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