Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My little phobia

Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.Yes! There is a name for it, I am not the only one right? Otherwise there wouldn't be a name for it! I have always hated popsicles(unless they are melted slightly). I will not touch ice if my hands are even remotely damp (it sticks!). I don't like to eat ice cream with a metal spoon (unless slightly melted) (it sticks!). And even as I am writing this post I have goosebumps all over my arms because I don't even like to think about it. My kids LOVE to tease me and will get ice to stick to their hands or stick their tongues to a popsicle just to get me upset. Not very nice is it?! I couldn't sleep tonight and was surfing the net when I came upon a list of phobias. I was very excited to find that my phobia is actually listed so thought I would share. See, I'm not crazy! (Okay, maybe a little.)

Some funny phobias I found:
Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor
Consecotaleophobia- Fear of chopsticks
Genuphobia- Fear of knees
Germanophobia- Fear of Germany or German culture.
Graphophobia- Fear of writing or handwriting
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666 (I just like the name!)
Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.
Pteronophobia- Fear of being tickled by feathers
Syngenesophobia- Fear of relatives.
Walloonphobia- Fear of the Walloons. (What the heck is a Walloon?)
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.


Jenn Fort Haderlie said...

Laura you crack me up, I never new that about you!!

Joni said...

Just something else to tease you about! :)

Camille said...

I just love your blogs!!


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