Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I thought today would be a good day to write about a few things I'm thankful for:

1. Brent. Best husband I could ask for! He has a great sense of humor and is very patient with me. I'm always so impressed at how easy it is for him to meet new people and talk to anyone. I'm thankful for the fun he brings into our home. We all have the best time together laughing and having fun. And he's pretty cute too. I don't tell him near enough how thankful I am for him!

2. All my children (not the t.v. show). My children are good kids who really want to do what is right. Not perfect, but very very good kids. I really got lucky with this bunch!

3. Good parents and parents-in-law. I couldn't have asked for better examples. My dad taught me through his example to serve others and to always be happy in whatever situation I'm in. He loved life and it showed to every one around him. My mom taught me the gospel and to love the scriptures through her example. Every time she read the scriptures she would have to tell us what she learned that day. She also taught me to pray often. I remember finding her on her knees more times than I could count. My other dad, Frank is the kindest man I will ever know. He has taken my siblings and I on as his own and I know without a doubt that he loves me and wants the best for me and my family. My mother-in-law is the best example of service I can find. She is one who would never let it be known what she has done to serve but is constantly finding ways to serve her family, her ward family, and her friends. My father-in-law is so sweet to me and my family. He has spent many hours building a train just to give his grandchildren joy. He has been so helpful to Brent with the business. We never could've done it without his help. He is a great example of someone who just always does what he should. He never waivers.

4. Grandparents. My Grandpa Willis blessed me as a baby, baptized me, gave me fathers blessings and blessings when I was sick, and he was the one to seal me and my husband together in the temple. I will be eternally grateful for this sweet loving man in my life. My Grandma Willis, where do you even begin with her? She is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest person I will ever know. She has a way of making each of her grandchildren feel like they are the favorite. I really always believed that I was the favorite until I heard from several other cousins that they actually were the favorite. It really doesn't matter. We are all so blessed to have her for our grandma. She is who I want to grow up to be like. She loves her family and has spent literally her entire life serving them. She does nothing for herself. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

5. Singing in the car. My favorite thing my family does! My kids are old enough now that we can all harmonize. Sometimes the kids and I make up silly actions to go with the words to the songs. We laugh and laugh at each other because it's so silly but we have fun! I know that when my children grow up they will look back on those times in the car as some of their favorite memories.

6. My testimony. I have been blessed to have been given specific answers to prayers throughout my life. I know without a doubt that when I prayed to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and if this was in fact the true gospel of Jesus Christ that I received a definite answer to my prayer that it is. I can never ever doubt that answer. No matter what trials have come in my life, I have always been able hold on to those answers to my prayers.

7. Sisters. I was blessed with one sister. We fought a lot when we were growing up but she is now my best friend. I was then blessed after I got married and after my brothers got married with a lot of sister-in-laws. I have grown to love each of these women and really admire all of their different strengths and qualities.

8. Friends. What would we do in life without wonderful friends? I have really been fortunate to have great friends throughout my life. A lot of them have helped shape who I am today because of their examples. I have a few just really great friends in my life right now. I know that they would do anything for me and I have the greatest time when I am with them.

9. America. How did I get so lucky to be born in this country? To be able to enjoy all of the freedoms, privileges and opportunities we have been given is an amazing thing. I remember watching the American Idol episodes where they were showing the extreme poverty that other countries have to face, then they showed some Americans poverty. There was absolutely no comparison. Even our poorest people have so much more than so many other people will ever even think about having.

I think about all that I have been given in my life and sometimes I feel so very inadequate and wonder why I have been given so much more than millions of others. I live in America, I have the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have a loving family, I have a comfortable home to live in. I live in a time that we have so many conveniences and luxuries. It makes me think that I have such a responsibility to my Heavenly Father to do all that I should in this life to prove myself worthy of all these blessings. I have so much work to do on myself!


Tom and Corinne Bradshaw Family said...

That was neat. I think we all should sit back and think about all the things we have. Life is to short and we (myself included) do not tack the time we should to thank those in our life that mean so much to us. Thanks for reminding me.

Mike and Deb said...

Hey, I didn't see my name mentioned in your "Thanksgiving" post... If not for me (okay, my mom really) you and BK never would have met!!! So I'll say it for you... "I'm so very thankful for Mike who led me to my wonderful husband, Brent."
Oh, I'm so touched, I think I may shed a tear!! :)


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