Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Background Mess

Well I've had quite a time trying to do the cute background thing! I was so proud of myself for finally figuring it out but obviously I've had issues! Hopefully people can now read the blog, let me know if you can't. I'm not sure if I'm smart enough for all this technical stuff.

I made a Biggest Loser blog for those of us who are in the contest and made the background black with white text. Apparently some people saw only a white background on their computers so with the white text it looked like nothing was there. They would change the text to black so when I would go to look, I would see the black background with black text. I finally got to the bottom of it and just made the background white with black text so we would have no more confusion. Why doesn't anybody else have this problem???

Hopefully I'll get the hang of it eventually. I think I need to always stick with a light background and black text.

(Only down 1/2 a pound this week! Not a happy camper!)


Loretta and Richie said...

I can see your blog again! We saw white with white background before....


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