Monday, May 12, 2008

So Much To Be Thankful For

I went out tonight with a friend that I grew up with. She is my age and still single. She was really upset because her boyfriend just broke up with her. It got me thinking about how thankful I am for my family. She would never want anyone to feel sorry for her but she has been through a lot in her adult years and has had to do it all by herself. I don't know why some people have to go through so many more trials than others but she has sure had her share of them. She would like more than anything to have a husband and children of her own instead of being the favorite aunt to everyone including my children . I am so blessed to have four wonderful children and a husband who is so good to me. It really is the simple things that we need to remember everyday to be grateful for.


Mary said...

Great reminder to be more appreciative of what we have. Thanks, Laura.

megan allen said...

So true Laura! It's hard to remember that. Sometimes life gets so crazy and we don't think of the people we have in our lives like that. We really are sooooo lucky! Thanks for the post!

Camille said...

Thanks for the reminder to be grateful!


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