Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jake got glasses!

We were at a store a few weeks ago when Jake mentioned to me that he was happy he was moved up front in his class because now he can see the board. This was the first I had ever heard that he had a hard time seeing. We started testing what he could and couldn't read and decided it was probably a good idea to get him checked out. Sure enough he needed glasses.
His glasses finally came in today. There is nothing better than watching somebody get glasses for the first time. He kept looking around at everything as we were driving in the car and kept saying, "cool!" over and over. I think he looks pretty dang cute in them too!


Rob and Mary...Our Life said...

Jake, I love the glasses...oh, and I'm glad you can see now too!

Kristen said...

Cute boy. It is amazing when you can see. What a difference it makes. We gotta get a pic of him and Brooke together. So fun.

JECKBECK (Erin) said...

Last year we did the same thing with Makinley and the whole way home she kept talking about how bright all the colors were. I felt so bad that she had been deprived of that up until the day she got glasses.

Jake-you look like a stud!


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