Monday, August 16, 2010

I'll get there...

I'm in a blog funk. I guess not so much a blog funk but more of a "this is going to take way too much time to blog my whole summer" funk. I'll get there. Really I will.

For now, check out Rebecca's new blog HERE. I love what she's doing.

Also, I'm starting Weight Watchers tomorrow evening if anyone wants to join me. Gilbert/Southern location Tuesdays at 6pm. Right now it's just $20 to join and $13/week after that. I'd love some company!

Update: Actually going to the Wednesday 5:30 class now.


Becky Bradshaw said...

I would soooooooooooo join you if we were still down there. Some times I think the scale is lying to me. Hahaha!

holdoug said...

I did weight watchers a long time ago and never looked back. It's awesome. That's the same location I went to. I have a friend who just did it too, and she lost 30 lbs. and looks awesome! It's a great program and you will love it! Good for you!


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