It's summer and I'm loving that I have the kids home with me. I really feel that they are slipping away from me way too fast. Jake had his 1st grade program a few weeks ago and my friend, Mary who has children all about the same age as mine whispered to me, "It's all over". That just about killed me!!! All the cute little kid things are over! Jake (my youngest) is going into second grade next year and Sarah (my oldest) will be in ninth grade. It is just wierd, and very very sad. I miss the little ones...A LOT. I will say that Disneyland was very nice with the ages of our children when we went in March. They could all ride every ride, no strollers, no crying, we could stay till the end and since my children aren't yet too old, they all loved it. I have to remember to love every moment and not dwell on the past. They are really a lot of fun at this stage.
Nate had cub scout daycamp last week and being his leader in scouts, I got to go too. Picture being in the desert in June from 3:00-10:00pm with eleven 8 and 9 year old cub scouts. We had a great time. I was glad I got to share the experience with him for another year. It was hot but they had a misting system in some areas and constantly sprayed the boys down with hoses. The boys also got to bring water balloons and squirt bottles to keep eachother cool. I loved the group this year. Last year we had one boy that was a little mentally challenged who would cry everytime we didn't get to do what he wanted to do, and two boys that complained the whole time that they were bored. What 8 or 9 year old boy gets bored with bb guns, archery, swimming, etc. etc.??? I was so annoyed and had a very hard time enjoying the experience. This year, every boy had a blast and were a lot of fun to be with.
Rebecca's friends decided to throw her a surprise party for her birthday. They asked if they could have it at my house but they would invite everyone (which they did the day before the party) and do the decorations and a lot of the food. I thought that it was very nice of them to think of her. I still ended up spending about $100.00 on the party. This is why I don't let them have a party every year! I always spend more than I need to. She saw a cake in a magazine and decided that no other cake would do. I feel like I'm a pretty good baker but cakes are not my thing, I figured what the heck, I could try it. I got the cake all frosted and just needed to put all the extra things on it but I needed to get Rebecca to the pool so that her friends could come over and decorate. So I put the cake in the refridgerator and just as I set it down, it fell over and broke. I had to throw the cake away and start over and had only an hour and a half before the party started. ( I still hadn't showered yet after cleaning the model homes in the morning, coming home and mowing the lawns, and cleaning my house, I still needed to mop the floor and clean up the cake mess too). Needless to say, I was a little stressed out. I dropped her off, ran to the store for some more frosting and got the cake done just before Rebecca came home for the party. Whew! They gave Rebecca a makeover with the make up she got for her birthday and she looked very, hmm how can I say this... beautiful? She spent the rest of the party with her hair and make up just, gorgeous (ha ha). They played lots of games and had a great time. Rebecca was very surprised and happy. We got done and had just enough time to go camp shopping and get all packed and to bed by midnight. What a day!
Sarah and Rebecca are at girls camp right now. Rebecca turned 12 on the day that camp started (June 5th) so this is her very first experience in the young women program at church. She was very excited and I'm excited for her. Two years ago when Sarah went for her first time, I remember being so nervous and saying tons and tons of prayers that she would have fun and have a great experience. With Rebecca, I am not worried a bit. I know she's having a great time. It's nice to know she has a big sister with her to watch out for her.
I thought that while the girls were away to camp that it would be nice and quiet around the house. Boy was I wrong. I don't know what has gotten into Nate but he is a bigger tease than ever! He loves to make Jake cry and takes every opportunity to do it. I finally had a chat with the two of them a little while ago. I told them that I am not going to spend the summer hearing Jake cry all the time and that Nate needs to stop teasing and Jake needs to stop letting Nate get to him so easily. If I hear any fighting at all, they have to go to their room for 30 minutes and friends have to go home. I know that sounds a little extreme but it seems to be getting worse so I have to do something. They are such good buddies usually. I guess I should have signed them up for more things this summer so they aren't so bored. I don't want Jake to end up hating his brother. Right now he really looks up to him and wants to be just like him. He copies everything he does and won't do anything unless he knows Nate thinks it's cool. It's been about 45 minutes since the talk and I haven't heard any fighting!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
I think I'll take the same approach as Melissa and try to write once a week unless something great comes up that I feel I need to write. We'll see what happens. I always make great plans but have a hard time following through. I just know I've missed writing about so much of the kid's lives and really want to remember these great times, even the fighting.
Very Very Very Cute. One of these days I'll figure out how to do the same. Love the idea. I just got home from camp, haven't showered yet, had 2 hours of sleep, but will call you soon so we can talk about the reunion now. LOve ya,
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