Thursday, September 13, 2007


So the other day Brent said that lady looked like she might be pregnant because her teets were bigger. I laughed at him and said they look like they've always looked. Last night I noticed that they were definately bigger just by seeing her walk around. Then as I was petting her I noticed milk coming out of some of them. So... all you dog experts out there, does this mean she is pregnant or is there another reason she would have milk coming out of them? I'm a little freaked out about what kind of dogs will come out of her if she is actually pregnant! We were looking online to see all the different mixes of dogs that are part bassett hound and it was very very scary!
Anyway, any help would be great. Brent would rather us not spend money on the vet just so he can tell us if she's pregnant or not. We were going to breed her but had recently decided not to because it was too hard to get her papers up to date. We had just talked a few days ago about making an appointment to get her fixed. Hopefully it's just a false alarm and all will be well. (The kids had a fun time dressing her up the other day so I thought I'd share the pictures.)


Joni said...

How would you like to have a picture taken of you like that?! :)
Brent was telling us about it, congrats!
Also, I totally remember you doing the cartwheel! Atleast you looked good doing it!!!!


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