Friday, January 7, 2011


How sad is it that this is the one and only picture I have of Christmas this year? I seriously need a new card for my camera so that I don't have to keep erasing pictures. We had a wonderful Christmas with lots of family time. I spent lots of time this year making rolls and cinnamon rolls to earn a little extra money for Christmas and it was all so worth it! We had all of our normal Krummenacher gatherings: Grandkid party, Brother/Sister party at Andy and Joni's this year (fabulous!), and Christmas Eve dinner and talent show. We love all of the traditions the Krummenachers carry on every year. Todd and Jen and their kids came so we loved spending time with them on Christmas day at my mom's house. Mom made all of her yummy food that she always makes and I think every year it's better than the year before. The only bad thing was that we had so much sickness this year! Brent and Rebecca were sick before Thanksgiving, Jake on Thanksgiving day, Nate was after Thanksgiving, Sarah during Christmas and New Year's, and now me right after New Year's. I really hope we are done with this stuff for good!


Kristen said...

I LOVE reading your blog! Even though I talk to you all the time, I learn something new by reading your blog. Sarah looked beautiful for her winter formal. (as always)
You're kids are always so creative. I loved their Halloween costumes! Becca just cracks me up. I wish I could be closer because I sure miss seeing your kids. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Wish we could have been with you. I love you


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